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Appropriation has nothing to do with makeup and hairstyles. It's about our rich American history looking like a bloody crime scene. It all began with Colonization, Human Trafficking, and Genocide.

A Native American Rock Opera "Something Inside is Broken" brings to light the unseen side of history not revealed in American text books.

Native American Rock Opera sheds light on resilience of their grandmothers and how Doctrine of Discovery brought death and destruction.

Something Inside Is Broken - A Native American Rock Opera Fall 2016 tour arrives in Escondido, CA on Oct. 14th

Something Inside Is Broken - A Native American Rock Opera Fall 2016 tour arrives in Phoenix, AZ on Oct. 10th at the Hergerber Theater Center

Something Inside Is Broken - A Native American Rock Opera Fall 2016 tour arrives in Escondido, CA on Oct. 14th

Something Inside Is Broken - A Native American Rock Opera Fall 2016 tour arrives in Phoenix, AZ on Oct. 10th at the Hergerber Theater Center

Shoot First! Lie Later... the official motto of this land.

For All Things, Happening to our World. For All Things, Happening to our People. We need to STAND! Let our Voice be HEARD!

Something Inside Is Broken - A Native American Rock Opera Fall 2016 tour arrives in Phoenix, AZ on Oct. 10th at the Hergerber Theater Center

Something Inside Is Broken - A Native American Rock Opera Fall 2016 tour arrives in Phoenix, AZ on Oct. 10th at the Hergerber Theater Center

"Something Inside is Broken" tells the untold HER-story of the women, men, and children that survived extermination and enslavement.